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Nails Aftercare


  • Apply cuticle oil twice a day and ensure to apply under the free edge. Cuticle oil will rehydrate and condition the natural nail plate and will not cause lifting.

  • Wear gloves always when washing up or gardening, etc.

  • Wear gloves when applying fake tan.

  • Wash your hands after applying sunscreen.

  • Avoid SPF products, tinted lotions and hair colouring on your new nails as these can discolour the product. Always wash hands thoroughly after use or wear gloves.

  • Please contact me for a repair if you have caught or broken a nail.

  • Your nails have been applied by a professional, for the best care they should be removed by a professional. If you decide to remove them yourself please aske me for a removal kit and instructions. Allow plenty of time and take care when removing them yourself.

  • Do not pick, peel or bite your nails, they are not indestructible. If you pick off your gel polish it will damage your natural nails.

  • Book in your maintenance appointment for 2-3 weeks time to avoid disappointment and to continue maintaining your nail care.

  • Use the pads of your fingers rather than your nails for opening car doors, making the bed, etc.

  • If wearing French or a pale colour please be aware when using tanning products, you should wear gloves to prevent staining.

  • Do not file your nails unless absolutely necessary, take care to file gently and finish in a downward direction stroke.

  • Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals such as cleaning products, etc. These can start to break down the surface of your nail products and cause lifting and staining.

  • Finally, take care of your nails, by keeping to these points to ensure your polish longevity and to keep them as fresh as they day they were done.

manicure pedicure

IBX Aftercare


  • Apply cuticle oil twice a day and ensure to apply under the free edge. Cuticle oil will rehydrate and condition the natural nail plate and will not cause lifting.

  • Wear gloves always when washing up or gardening, etc.

  • Wear gloves when applying fake tan.

  • Wash your hands after applying sunscreen.

  • Avoid SPF products, tinted lotions and hair colouring on your new nails as these can discolour the product. Always wash hands thoroughly after use or wear gloves.

  • Moisturise your hands after washing to allow your skin to stay smooth and hydrated. 

  • Do not pick, peel or bite your nails, they are not indestructible. If you pick off your gel polish it will damage your natural nails.

  • Keep nails at moderate length.

  • Use the pads of your fingers rather than your nails for opening car doors, making the bed, etc.

  • You can apply polish to your nails, but clear polish is recommended to see any changes in your nails, but if you prefer a colour that is fine, it will not effect the nails. Also nail polish remover will not remove or effect the IBX product. IBX will remain in the nail and continue to grow with your nail.

  • Do not use a metal file on your nails because it will create heat in the nails resulting in moisture loss, dehydration and weak nails. 

  • Maintenance appointments will be dependant on the course of your treatment plan discussed at your appointment.

  • Finally, take care of your nails, by keeping to these points to ensure your polish longevity and to keep them as fresh as they day they were done.

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Facial Aftercare


  • Avoid make up, perfumed products, sunlight or heat, such as sauna, hot baths, showers or hot hair dryers to the face for 6 - 8 hours to gain full benefits from the cleansing part of the treatment. Your skin will remain sensitive over the next few hours and may react to any harsh products.

  • If you are conscious about not wearing make up, a tinted moisturiser, mascara and lipstick, may be applied.

  • Avoid touching the skin for 6 - 9 hours. Your pores remain open and touching your skin will transfer dirt and bacteria.

  • Avoid sunbathing for up to 12 hours after a facial.

  • Do not undertake in any other facial skincare treatment within 48 hours of having a facial. 

  • Cleanse, tone and moisturise twice daily to prevent loss of moisture, protect the skin from make up and to keep the skin soft and supple. 

  • Always remove all traces of make up at the end of every day.

  • Exfoliate every 5 - 7 days to remove dead skin cells and to renew skin cells. Do not exfoliate before this time after a facial because over exfoliating will result in the damage of the skin's barrier.

  • Apply a facial mask twice per week according to your skin type.

  • Always apply an SPF sunscreen to block UV B rays and to protect the skin's barrier.

  • Drink 6 - 8 glasses of water per day to keep the skin hydrated.

Eyes and Brows

Lash & Brow Aftercare


  • You must have a patch test 48 hours prior to your booked eye treatment if you are a new client, not had this treatment before or if it has been more than 12 months since your last eye treatment in case of any changes in health, medical or ingredients in the products used. 

  • Avoid touching or rubbing the eyes. 

  • Avoid heat treatments or sunbathing for 24 hours to avoid the tint from fading.

  • Avoid putting contact lenses in for the rest of the day.

  • I do try to ensure all traces of the tinting product is removed, it is possible that residue may remain.

  • Do not apply make up or receive any other type of eye treatment for at least 24 hours. 

  • Do not go swimming or in a sauna for 24 hours because this can affect the products used.

  • Avoid oil based products for up to 24 - 48 hours after your eye treatment. Oil based make up remover can cause the tint to fade faster. 

  • Avoid perfumed products for 24 hours.

  • Sun/UV lights can cause the tint to fade faster.

  • Keep lashes dry for at least 24 - 48 hours.

  • If any irritation, swelling or any reaction occurs, apply a cold damp pad and please contact me. Seek medical advice if any irritation or swelling persists.

  • Lash tint will begin to diminish within 4 - 6 weeks as new hair grows. Treatment can be done again after 6 weeks.

  • Brow tint can be done again after 2 - 4 weeks depending on new hair growth. 

  • If brows or lashes look too dark, don't worry they will fade. 

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Patch Test Aftercare


  • A patch test is required 48 hours prior to any eye treatment if you are a new client, not had this treatment before or if it has been more than 12 months since your last eye treatment in case of any changes in health, medical or ingredients in the products used.

  • Patch test are essential for a client's safety and for insurance purposes. For more details head to the policy page.

  • A patch test involves applying a small amount of tint (for brow or lash tint), glue, fixing lotion and a setting lotion (for lash lift) onto your skin either behind your ear or on the inside of your elbow.

  • A patch test must be repeated every 12 months if you have not received a treatment for that long or if there has been a change in medical health, such as new medical diagnosis or medication, hormonal or pregnant,  or if the product ingredients have changed.

  • If you do not attend an appointment for a patch test prior to your booked eye treatment this will result in your treatment being cancelled and may be subject to my cancellation/no show policy.

  • Failing a patch test can put you in danger when carrying out a treatment and result in the risk of legal proceedings, which we all would much rather avoid.

  • Allergic reactions involve the immune system and are different to intolerances and sensitivities.

Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage Aftercare


  • Take care when driving as you will not be as alert after your treatment. 

  • Go home and relax to enjoy the maximum benefit from the treatment.

  • Have a suitable time to rest after the treatment.

  • Stay relaxed and avoid stressful activities.

  • Drink plenty of water before and after treatment. This ensures your body is hydrated and your body can work more effective. Post treatment, this will help the lymph and circulatory system to remove waste products and toxins from the body.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcoholic drinks for 24 hours.

  • Avoid smoking for 24 hours.

  • Avoid sunbeds and artificial UV lights.

  • Do not have a hot bath following a massage to allow the oils to settle. If necessary, have a warm shower.

  • Avoid exercise for 12 hours.

  • Maintain a healthy diet and avoid heavy meals. It is important to consider what you are eating whilst your body is healing.

  • Avoid shampooing your hair for several hours after this treatment to maximise the benefits. If necessary to remove oils, it is best to massage shampoo into dry hair and then wash off.

  • You may experience the following effects after a massage. These are sometimes referred to a “healing crisis” as your body readjusts. These are completely normal reactions and show that the toxins are being expelled from the body, your body is rebalancing and cleansing itself –

  • Headaches. It is important you stay hydrated during this time.

  • Flu/cold like symptoms. These will pass and is your body’s reaction to the flushing out of toxins/metabolic waste.

  • A sense of elation/hyperactivity. This is your body’s reaction to nerve senses being activated by the massage. Increased urination. Again, this will be due to toxins/metabolic waste being flushed out, along with the increase of water intake.

  • Tiredness. This is caused by the release of toxins. After the tiredness has passed you should feel refreshed and energetic.

  • How often you should have an Indian Head Massage will vary for each individual and will depend on personal circumstances.  If you are struggling a lot with tension headaches and/or neck/shoulder pain, you may be recommended to have Indian head massages more regularly, for example, once a week for a certain number of weeks. Otherwise, you may like to book in every two to four weeks as a preventative. 

Swedish Back Massage

Swedish Body Massage Aftercare


  • Take care when driving as you will not be as alert after your treatment.

  • Rest and relax as much as possible to assist the healing process. You will likely feel sleepy after a massage, and you may want to consider a little nap if needed.

  • Drink plenty of water before and after treatment. This ensures your body is hydrated and your body can work more effective. Post treatment, this will help the lymph and circulatory system to remove waste products and toxins from the body.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcoholic drinks for 24 hours. These will interfere with the detoxification process and are counter-productive as they increase the levels of toxins within the body.

  • Avoid smoking for 24 hours.

  • Avoid sunbeds and artificial UV lights. Also avoid sun exposure for the next 24 - 48 hours because your massage will have included essential oils. Keeping the oils on your skin during this time can enhance their therapeutic effects.

  • Do not have a hot bath following a massage to allow the oils to settle. If necessary, have a warm shower. Do not shower or bathe directly after a treatment for at least 6 – 8 hours. The essential oils used, need to penetrate the skin in order to be absorbed into the system to achieve optimum results. Also avoid sauna & steam rooms.

  • Do not exfoliate for at least one week.

  • Avoid exercise for 24 hours. Refrain from intense physical activity and allow your body to recover and enjoy the post massage calmness.

  • Maintain a healthy diet and avoid heavy meals. It is important to consider what you are eating whilst your body is healing.

  • Be aware of your posture.

  • You may experience the following effects after a massage. These are sometimes referred to a “healing crisis” as your body readjusts. These are completely normal reactions and show that the toxins are being expelled from the body, your body is rebalancing and cleansing itself –

  • Flu/cold like symptoms. These will pass and is your body’s reaction to the flushing out of toxins/metabolic waste.

  • You may feel emotional. It’s quite natural to feel tearful.

  • Redness/soreness, especially after a deep tissue work but this should ease after a day.

  • A sense of elation/hyperactivity. This is your body’s reaction to nerve senses being activated by the massage.

  • You may experience a feeling of tiredness or fatigue following massage. In some cases, headaches may follow. It is important you stay hydrated during this time.

  • Increased urination. Again, this will be due to toxins/metabolic waste being flushed out, along with the increase of water intake.

  • Less stressed and more relaxed.

  • Improved mood patterns.

  • Improved sleep patterns.

  • How often you should have a Swedish Body Massage will vary for each individual and will depend on personal circumstances.  If you are struggling a lot with tension, stress or pain, you may be recommended to have massages more regularly, for example, once a week for a certain number of weeks. Otherwise, you may like to book in occasionally or every four weeks to help you destress, promote relaxation and overall wellbeing.

Hopi Ear Candle

Hopi Ear Candle Aftercare


  • Listen to your body and rest if you feel tired. Go for a walk if you have an energy boost, but be careful not to overexert.

  • Do not insert anything smaller than your elbow inside your ear canal including a cotton bud. This helps prevent any complications and allows the treatment to take effect.

  • Drink plenty of water to before and after the treatment to stay hydrated. Proper hydration supports our overall wellbeing and helps with the healing process. You can also drink squash and herbal teas instead of water. These fluids will help eliminate toxins and flush out the lymphatic system.

  • Avoid swimming and water from getting into the ears for 48 hours following this treatment. This helps maintain the integrity of the ear canal.

  • You may want to sleep with a towel on your pillow in case of any discharge or residue leaking out of the ear overnight. Ear wax/residue will naturally work it’s way out of the ear 24 or 48 hours following this treatment.

  • Try to avoid cold air from blowing into the ears for a comfortable recovery.

  • If you experience a runny nose, please blow it rather than sniffing.

  • If you had a bit of a cold prior at the time of your treatment, please note your symptoms may get worse.

  • You should leave a minimum of 48 hours between treatments.

  • Seek medical advice from your doctor/GP if you experience any change in hearing, pain or discharge.

  • See your GP if you have any ongoing ear complaints. Hopi ear candling is not a substitute for medical treatments.

  • You may experience these effects following Hopi Ear Candling, particularly with your first treatment. These are referred to as contra-actions as your body readjusts. These are perfectly normal reactions and should last no longer than 24 or 48 hours after the treatment –

  • Cold like symptoms

  • Sticky feeling inside the ear or loosening of ear wax

  • Headache or slight dizziness

  • Slight dryness in the throat

  • Itchy ears

  • Improvement in hearing

  • Lighter feeling in the head and face due to sinus pressure relief

  • Increased urination. Again, this will be due to toxins/metabolic waste being flushed out, along with the increase of water intake.

  • Follow up treatments will depend on the nature of the ear complaint. No more than two ear candles per ear should be used per treatment. Always allow at least 48 hours between treatments. You can use Hopi ear candles as little as one month to experience healing benefits. If your ears are quite blocked, two treatments a week, otherwise occasional treatments are fine.

Business Details


Clay Street


Salisbury SP5 2ST.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday - 10am - 10pm

Saturday - 10am - 3pm

Wednesday & Sunday - Closed

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